Privacy Policy

Last updated: Feb 9, 2024

We take your privacy seriously. We only collect and use your email address for the purpose of authenticating your access to our Add-On.Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and will not be shared with any third parties.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your email address and any other information you provide to us. We reserve the right to terminate your access to our Add-On if we believe you have violated these terms of use or any applicable laws.

We make every effort to protect your personal information and keep it secure. However, please be aware that no internet transmission is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of your information. By using our Add-On, you accept the inherent risks of providing information online and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy,please contact us at

Privacy Policy for educational Institutions

Commercial Use of Data:

Our add-on, SlidesAI, is designed solely to help users generate presentation slides. We do not sell any user-generated data or personal information for commercial purposes. We adhere to strict ethical guidelines that prioritise our users' privacy.

Data Sharing with Third Parties:

To generate presentation slides, user-entered text is sent to OpenAI's servers for processing. No other data including any personal information is shared with OpenAI or any other third parties. We use the same technology that ChatGPT uses, for more information please refer to their privacy policy

Request for Deletion of Student Data:

If any user wants us to delete their data, they are welcome to submit a request at We encourage you to communicate this option to students and parents alike. We only have access to the email address of the users.

Breach Response Plan:

We prioritise user safety and have emergency procedures in place to protect user data from potential threats.

Data Encryption:

All our communication happens via HTTPS, encrypting the data in transit. Additionally, all data is encrypted at rest to ensure maximum security.

Data Retention:

The data in our system is used only for needed functionality and improving our service. We retain data only for as long as necessary to provide our services and will delete user data upon request.

Protection by Industry Standards:

Our service has implemented measures based on industry-accepted standards to ensure the utmost security of the student data we handle.

Privacy Policy for GPT Assistant

We use Google oAuth for authentication, which is a secure method that allows us to verify your identity and ensure secure access to your account and create presentations on your Google account, providing a personalized experience. Our use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. You can read more about it here

Data Usage

The information you provide to the GPT Assistant is solely utilized to generate presentations. Similar to how you interact with ChatGPT, your content is transmitted to OpenAI's servers. For additional details, please consult their privacy policy

Data Privacy

We respect your privacy. Your email address, once collected, is used strictly for authentication and service delivery purposes. We do not share your email address or any other personal information with third parties, ensuring your data remains private and secure.

Have more questions?

Here are some of the frequently asked questions.

The app requires a lot permissions, why?
We need those permission to make the app work properly. We don't use any of your data for any other purpose than to create presentations.The app only runs when you manually use it. It never runs in the background.
The app has a free plan, Do you sell my data?
No, we don't sell/share your data with any third parties. Although there's a free plan, there are also paid plans to support the development of the app. We don't have any motive to sell your data.
Do you actively monitor my data?
Thousands of users use our app everyday we don't have the time and resources to monitor each and every user's data. We want to build a great product and serve our customers better.Our time is better spent on that :)
I still have questions, how do I reach out to you?
Please feel free to leave us an email at