2 Ways to Create Comparison Slides in PowerPoint

2 Ways to Create Comparison Slides in PowerPoint

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Do your PowerPoint slides look dull and flat when making comparisons? Crafting compelling and informative comparison slides is crucial to differentiate your ideas, products, or services from competitors.

With the right layouts and techniques, you can create beautiful and engaging comparison slides to wow any audience. An effective comparison slide can help highlight unique attributes and make analytical points clearer for your audience.

But that doesn’t mean you need to know design. All you need is the PowerPoint comparison slide feature. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll walk you through two simple ways to create clean and professional comparison slides in PowerPoint. Let’s get started!

What Is A Comparison Slide In Powerpoint?

Comparison slides enable visually contrasting two or more elements side-by-side within a single slide. Rather than walls of text, comparisons are structured into columns to showcase data, features, and factors together.

Comparison slides allow presenters to evaluate two or more objects, concepts, solutions, etc. side-by-side within a single PowerPoint slide. They help organize similarities and differences visually through text, data, images, and other multimedia formats.

These slides are highly effective for:

  • Comparing products by features to highlight competitive advantages.
  • Analyzing research results through digestible side-by-side data.
  • Weighing the pros and cons of solutions for clearer decision-making.
  • Drawing comparisons between disparate topics to reveal relationships.
  • Emphasizing differences and aligning similarities for convincing arguments.
  • Adding visual variety to text-heavy slides for sustained interest.

Overall, PowerPoint comparison slides structure complex information in an easy-to-grasp format. Audiences can absorb logical comparisons at a glance. This drives home your point and influences understanding and decisions.

What Is The Purpose Of The Comparison Slide Layout?

Here are some top reasons why incorporating comparison slides into your PowerPoint presentations can be effective:

  • Simplifying complex data like statistical analyses, technical specifications, etc. into easy-to-grasp components.
  • Influencing purchase decisions by using comparison to highlight competitive advantages over alternatives.
  • Visualizing connections between disparate concepts or products to enhance understanding.
  • Underscoring key differences between solutions through targeted side-by-side analysis.
  • Holding the audience’s attention by incorporating graphical and visually engaging comparison layouts.
  • Enhancing memorability as comparisons helps reinforce core points and differences.

How To Make A Comparison Slide In Powerpoint?

There are two easy ways to design effective comparison slides in PowerPoint.

Create Using Built-in Comparison Layout

The easiest way is to use PowerPoint’s pre-designed “Comparison” layout template. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Go to the “Home” tab and click on “New Slide”

Go to the “Home” tab and click on “New Slide”

Step 2: Go to the “Layout” and select the “Comparison” template or layout from the options. The content placeholder will be split into two default columns for your data.

layout from the options
Go to the “Layout” and select the “Comparison” template

Step 4: Add and customize your desired titles, subtitles, text, images, etc. You can use a text block to add your text. Use bullet points to make your text clean. Adjust column widths if needed. You can add colors, borders, etc. for emphasis.

Add and customize your desired titles, subtitles, text, images, etc

How Do You Insert A Comparison Table In PPT?

Do you have some statistics and other data that you would like to present? You can insert a comparison table in PowerPoint with the desired number of columns and rows. This method works well if you have lots of detailed data to compare side-by-side. 

Here’s how to add it:

Step 1: Go to the “Insert” menu and click on “Table”.

Go to the “Insert” menu and click on “Table”

Step 2: Under “Insert Table”, pick the number of columns and rows.

Under “Insert Table”, pick the number of columns and rows

Step 3: Populate the cells with your comparison data – be it text, numbers, checkmarks, or even emojis! Be creative.

Populate the cells with your comparison data

Step 4: Apply colors, borders, and shading to organize the content. You can further modify the table properties to merge cells, alter the design, include total rows or columns, apply cell borders and styles, etc.

Take Your Presentation Skills to the Next Level with SlidesAI

Creating compelling and professional PowerPoint comparison slides is crucial for driving home your main points during presentations. With these tips, you can develop beautiful and effective comparison slides that wow your audiences.

However, creating an entire visually stunning presentation doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. With SlidesAI, you can instantly turn your ideas into professional, on-brand slides using AI.

SlidesAI is a revolutionary AI text-to-presentation tool that generates high-quality slides for you in just seconds. Simply add your content and let SlidesAI handle the design, formatting, and layout. You’ll get visually consistent slides tailored to your brand needs and presentation goals.

Stop spending hours building presentations. Sign up for SlidesAI today to save a huge time while creating presentation decks that leave lasting impressions. Try out the AI-powered presentation tool and take your skills to the next level!

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